Working six hour days, five days each week, doing laundry, washing dishes and taking care of your husband and child are a lot for one week. It’s difficult to find time to — l i s t e n.
Out of the blue, you find yourself coming down with the flu and you’re forced to stop. And listen.
When life was busy for Jesus, with crowds pressing all around, and no time to rest; He often stole away to speak alone with His Father. I have been really meditating on the utmost importance of this recently.
Stealing away, from all the commotion around, to have fellowship with the Father.
I’ve also been reminded by sisters, the importance of finding the Father amidst the business. To go to Him while I have quiet moments in the shower, doing laundry or dishes. To listen, to be with Him.
Life is so short. Time passes by quickly. I want to hear the Fathers voice above all the others. To hear Him tell me what to do next, where to go, what to say, to be close to Him.
A disciple, living with Jesus, every single moment of every single day.
It’s a journey, every day choosing to listen, to obey, rather than going my own way. To surrender, my thoughts, my plans my dreams, for His. It’s following Jesus on this way, He went before me, and gave Himself up for the joy set before, He endured the cross, despising it’s shame and sat down at the right hand of the Father. Now we too must follow in His steps, He who committed no sin, no deceit was found in His mouth. The way seems too narrow, the road too steep, and yet, all in Love He comes down to take this narrow road, once more; with me.
Let’s run with Him, living each moment in the joy of His presence. No other happiness compares, to be with Him, in His presence! Let’s throw aside everything that hinders, the sin which so easily entangles, and run with endurance this race set out before us. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is worthy! Nothing will ever compare to the sweet communion and fellowship with Him. Keep laying aside everything else, for He is worthy. Don’t grow weary in doing good for in due time, we will reap if we faint not. May we not lose heart, but as we lay aside all else, He will be the only thing in our hearts. He will help us and strengthen us and hold us by His right hand.
Even though the fig tree has no blossoms, even though the flowers have no blooms and begin to wither, with Him by our side; I will rejoice! I will have faith! I will be glad and praise the Lord, my Father, my Saviour!