I am unsure if I will be able to express correctly what I'm trying to say, but by God's grace, I pray I will be able to relay what has been impressed and burdened on my heart. May you be challenged by it, yet may it not stop there; my hearts desire is for the seeds of truth to go down deep into our hearts and not only stay there but after we die; it might bring forth life as God has promised. {
John 12:24}
What I am writing is not something that I entirely see yet, in my own life. Nevertheless, I press onward to the upward call God has given. {
Philippians 3:14} This is my desire to go higher and deeper with Him. He has has revealed areas in my life which need changing, yet I must not forget them. I must write them down. I still feel so weak, utterly incapable and yet, this is where it all begins. Although it may seem foolish {
1 Corinthians 1:18}, it is true, the message of the cross. We are weak and hungry and only in this place can we find His power most strongest. {
2 Corinthians 12:9-10}
The question is, are we truly hungry? I have seen in my life, something like a complacency, rather than being hungry for more of God, I get used to life and don't desire anything higher. This, to me, is a scary place to be in. This summer the Lord allowed me to find complacency slipping into my heart without me realizing it. Nevertheless, after a time He used others and His Word to speak into my life in order that I might wake up. This subtle attitude creeps unnoticed many a time into my heart, and it's only by the Father's grace He reveals the beginnings of this weed. It digs its root into my heart more often than I know, yet I am thankful for the Father's enabling grace to rid this evil root before it grows up, choking the life out of His seed. Do we desire that no trace of this root be found in our hearts, only hungering and thirsting for His life?
Complacency is not the only weed that implants itself in our hearts, various other hungers come springing up all over, almost all the time. The world and its lusts are many, they all seem so attractive, yet truly only lead us on a spiral downwards. What are we sowing, seeds according to the flesh, or according to the Spirit? {
Galatians 6:8} At the end, fire will test to see whether what we are building will survive; are we doing what we desire, or what He desires? {
1 Corinthians 3:11} Are we building on our own foundation, or are we living by the Spirit?
These are questions we can ask ourselves, examining ourselves to see whether we are in the faith. {
2 Corinthians 13:5} Is everything that we are doing, coming from Christ? I am not saying we will not stumble or fall, yet are we desiring that all we do will please Him? {
2 Corinthians 5:9} Without Christ it is impossible to please Him, {this is something I have been finding every day, more and more how weak and helpless I truly am in my own flesh}. What are we going to do with our weakness, or incapability? Will we hunger and thirst for Him?
Every single one of us is hungering, for something. Each of us are desiring to be satisfied, our thirst to be quenched, by something. It is inevitable. Some hunger for money, wealth, riches, pleasures, comforts, thrills, excitement, and the list goes on. When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, He opened up a deep conversation with her in regards to hungering and thirsting.
"Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”" {
see John 4:1-44}
God has placed within us a desire, a hunger, a groping for something, if only we would feel our way and find Him. {
Acts 17:24-31} He has given us a desire; deep down in our innermost beings and unless we fill it with Him, we shall find ourselves seeking for other things to fill the emptiness inside.
"Our beings are so shaped that
n o t h i n g
could ever satisfy, except our Lord."
»Hinds Feet on High Places
Everyone hungers for SOMETHING, the "Gentiles" hunger and yet, they will never be satisfied. We can ask ourselves, what are we seeking, {thirsting and hungering} after? Will we be satisfied if we thirst after "these things"?
"For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." {See whole passage:
Matthew 6:25-34}
We can rest assured, our Father who loves us, KNOWS what we need, He is asking us NOT to seek after these things, rather to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, He is able to supply the rest if we find our satisfaction in Him alone. He can cause Rivers of Living Water to flow from within our innermost being. The emptiness - it can be filled with Him, if only we will seek Him! He says we are blessed if we will hunger and thirst after righteousness, for we will be satisfied. This is a promise and God does not lie, He W I L L fulfill His promise.
"God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind.Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?"
»Numbers 23:19
As we pour out to others, God will pour into us. Those who refresh others, will be refreshed. {
Proverbs 11:25} This life, will never satisfy. Even though it tries to call out to us, we must turn away and seek for what is truly life. There are many places in His Word we can find His promises, open your mouth wide and He will fill it, those who are poor He will satisfy, if we are hungry He will supply what we need!
The Rich Man is an example to us of how we can go through life, having everything we seek after, seeking for more and yet afterwards still thirsting all the while being completely separated from God. His satisfaction was never in the Father, he was only concerned about himself. He had a great thirst which never left him. Can you imagine? The desperate yearning in a place where we can never, ever be satisfied? What a torment!
"And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’" {See
Acts 16:19-21}
This man was in anguish, separated from God for all eternity. This is what will happen to everyone who does not find their satisfaction in the Lord, who long for other things to satisfy them. We can easily find ourselves desiring "these things" {these things can be anything that has a hold on our hearts, people, food, jobs, money, things money can buy, movies, books, this list goes on} we look forward to these things with anticipation, yet after a moment of pleasure we find they can never satisfy, they will leave us empty inside. We will go after them again, just like thirst, yet we will find they will never truly satisfy. They will lead us down a path to a place where a cool drip on your tongue will not even be able to quench the hungering and thirsting.
These are like idols to give up, they try to sneak their way in and take the place of God in our hearts. If we are willing to search deep into our hearts, we will find we all have something which is giving us fulfillment. Something "seemingly more important" than our loving Father, thus taking His place in our lives. We can ask ourselves what it might be, perhaps it is even something trying to take His place in our hearts. Are we willing to let go? This is where the rubber meets the road.
Think back to the Garden of Eden, what did God specifically tell Adam and Eve?
"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”" Genesis 2:16-17
Let's go further. God commanded them, "You may eat out of every tree of the garden {notice, every tree, compare that to the one tree they couldn't eat!} but not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil." There was also a tree of life in the garden, they chose not to eat of that tree, rather the O N L Y tree that God had asked them not to eat of, they were tempted be the devil to eat. Notice, God had given them everything they needed, why did they have to go to the one tree He asked them specifically not to?
It was because everything HE had for them, was not enough. They wanted something MORE. They were not content with what He had given them. Hold this thought.
The other day, I had watched a children's movie with a good lesson, yet "make belief" was wrapped around it. Afterwards my mind went back to the movie. I couldn't help but remember the first time I heard about make belief, these things people imagine in their mind and how you wish they could be real. When I first learned about the unicorn, I remember wondering why someone even made them up, like really, why? I stood still, wondering why, I wanted an answer. Then it came.
It was because everything God has already made is not E N O U G H. I stood there, still, stunned.
Isn't this true? Every sin is because either what God said or who God is, is not enough. If we take the time to think about it, we will find it to be so. The problem we are facing, is God enough for us or are we trying to look for satisfaction somewhere else? Are we trying to look for the answer somewhere else? Are we perhaps going to the tree of knowledge of good and evil rather than to Him for Life? Are we seeking for knowledge everywhere, yet refusing to go to HIM to find true life? {see
John 5:39-40}
We can try to watch movies in order to "get out of our problems", yet once the movie is over, they come flooding back. They can sometimes have a clean story, yet be drawing us away from truly finding Him as enough. He longs earnestly that we would have Him alone, that He might be first in everything in our lives. {
Colossians 1:16-20}
Perhaps we try to escape life with books, becoming consumed in them rather than going to our loving Heavenly Father. I have been guilty of this, life fades and all my problems and before I know it time has been wasted, precious time, for these days are evil and quickly passing. We ought to make the most of our time here, we are a mist which vanishes. {See
Ephesians 5:16-21;
James 4:12-14}
There are many more treasures this world has to offer us, money, pleasure and even comforts. We can easily be consumed by these things, allowing them to satisfy us more than our loving Father. Are we going to Him when the pressure is on? Are we going to Him when the pressure is off? Is He truly who our hearts desire, more than anything else? {
Psalm 73:25} These "treasures" in themselves may not be evil, yet once they become our master, we must be willing perhaps even to give them up, for one cannot serve two masters. {
Luke 16:14}
When Moses chose the reproach of Christ rather than the passing pleasures of Egypt, He had His perspectives correct. We often live as if "this life" is everything, when it is only passing away. Moses chose to be MISTREATED. Wow, when were we last mistreated because of Christ, or because we stood up for the truth in Him? He knew these earthly things here, they don't matter. {
Hebrews 11:24-27} Are we living for what truly matters? Is Jesus enough? Are we finding satisfaction in anything other than Him alone? Are we hungering and thirsting for more of Him? Do we realize we must depend on Him alone every day? Isn't He our joy, our everything? Is Jesus enough?
If everything was stripped away from you, would Jesus be enough?
This world is going to be destroyed. If so, what kind of people ought we to be? Should we have fear? When Jesus gives us a command, He longs for us to rely on Him to fulfill it. He desires even more than we desire to obey His commands, He is able to help us! In fact, He is longing for us to cry out to Him for help in true neediness. His commands are not burdensome, why? He gives us both the power and the desire to do what He asks of us. In Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, what more do we need when He is enough? {See
Colossians 2:1-3} God's power is great, for those who believe. {
Mark 9:23} Are we doubting Him? Are we doubting that He would truly be enough?
The enemy likes to sow doubts into our minds, again we can think back to Adam and Eve, how the serpent tried to make Eve doubt she knew what God actually said. Don't doubt Him, yet seek for Mary's attitude, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” {Luke 1:38} If we go to Him in faith, believing that He exists and rewards those who are; hungry, thirsty, earnestly desiring, yearning and seeking for Him with all their hearts we will find Him. {
Hebrews 11:6;
Jeremiah 29:13}
What kind of people should we be?
"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!" 2 Peter 3:10-12
The day of the Lord will come like thief to all those who are in darkness. {
1Thessalonians 5:4} Are we living in the light? Since everything will be destroyed, how should we be living? We must keep watch! Jesus warned His disciples to watch and pray, lest they fall into temptation, for although our spirits are willing, our flesh is so weak. {
Mark 14:38} This gives a picture of complete dependency on the Lord. In our flesh we are utterly helpless, we are weak and it is only He who can deliver us from temptation. Are often going to Him for everything, all throughout the day? Can you imagine what a joyous life this would be? For it is only in His presence we will find fullness of joy and at His right hand, pleasures forever more. {
Palms 16:11} Are we living in holiness, godliness, waiting and {wow!} hastening the day of the Lord?
I encourage you to take the time to read the lyrics of this song. So many songs we sing, I believe we do by memory without taking time to let the words sink in.