There is much brokenness in the world around us. It seems these days one could look right and left to find «someone» hurting, in fear enslaved, sorrowful.
It is not these heartaches themselves we see that matter, it’s how we respond to them.
Will we respond in f a i t h or f e a r?
At a ladies retreat on the weekend, to find still others who are hurting, who have pain and sadness. Then you hear the question, “Why would a loving God allow this?” Is the answer not yet simple? It is too simple, perhaps that it is not wanted. These light and momentary trials are producing something {2 Cor. 4} which far surpasses anything earthly. It’s these hard things which create a deeper emptiness. A deeper need for something m o r e » and it will never be satisfied until we REACH out, groping if indeed we truly long, desiring to find our Father. He is truly a Father who cares for His children, desiring they would WANT to follow Him. He will not force us, but He allows hard things in the hope that we «will» desire after Him, He will answer and come to us, giving us a peace that goes beyond all understanding. It’s a journey, we ought to keep giving up the thoughts which battle within the doubts. “Does God really love me?” Faith knows He does and He will satisfy, do we believe?