Are they bad in themselves? No, but these are the most dangerous to us. We must be very careful how we live, not as unwise but as wise, making the most of our time for the days are evil.* Why are they dangerous? They are fine things which look pretty and fun, yet secretly they may be drawing us away from our pure, simple love and devotion to Christ.
The enemy wants us to be lukewarm or complacent. If we are wholeheartedly desiring the Lord, we are dangerous to the enemies kingdom. Like a threat, he will find us completely out of his plans thus he will act. How? In such subtle ways, hoping we will not notice or pay attention to his schemes. He ultimately wants to deceive us like he did Eve, from our pure, simple devotion to Jesus.
Jesus desires to have every single part of us, as it says in James 4. He is jealously desiring to fill each nook and cranny. He opposes the proud, giving grace, His mighty power to those who are humble. Those who are honest, humbly acknowledging their need for Him. Like a child being aware of their utter dependence on the Father.
When we pour out our lives for Him we will find, we will never be disappointed. His joy is our strength! We never need to be disappointed or discouraged although the enemy likes it when we are in this stage. Then rather than our Father being able to use us, we will find ourselves stuck in a rut.
Can we discern how the enemy is trying to make us lukewarm? Romans 12:1-2 reminds us to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice and to renew our minds; so that, notice, so that you will be able to test and prove what God’s will is, His good, perfect will. It goes on later to speak about considering ourselves from a humble position, God being everything and us being not more highly than we often think ourselves to be. We can pour out our lives so Christ can be manifest, so His love and life can be glorified but we must, {there’s no other way} than to get out of His Way so His glory can be seen.
There are many wonderful things in this world the Father has given us to enjoy. Do they have control over us, or do we control them? Are we finding ourselves being distracted by these dangerous passing pleasures that we find less time for the Lord? Are we holding on to them while trying to reach out for God too?
A true joy comes when we renew our minds to His perspective. It’s the only true joy we can ever have. We cannot muster it up on our own.
His joy brings strength.
Will we be taken up by the gift, of the giver? Will we find ourselves longing for more of Himself, thanking Him for who He is and longing yet to go deeper with Him? The load is lifted, He knows what we need. Let not the enemy try to pull us away causing us to think we can figure this one out. We need this, or that, yet in asking with the right motive we will find Him faithful as we draw nearer to Him, we will find Him drawing near to us. He will give us discernment and wisdom as we continue hungering and thirsting after Himself.