
Welcome! This is for those who are ready to take a journey. Everyone's journey is different. We each go through different seasons, paths and yet if we are Christ's -- we are all on the same upward journey. Sometimes it seems we are so alone. Have you ever felt that way? We are not alone, our Father is with us. Yet we also do need each other.

Every single day we need encouragement. We need to put on the full armor of God, being dressed and ready for whatever He has our way. Lift up the shield of faith with which to distinguish the flaming darts of doubt from the evil one. He will try to get us down, making us doubt God. I often am reminded how Jesus asks those around Him, "Oh you of little faith, why do you doubt?" We can trust Him, let us step out in faith together in this journey. Encouraging one anther, asking the Father for grace to love one another, despite our differences -- He's testing us, how will we respond? In faith, or fear? Let's go on in faith in this journey, we don't know where He leads us, but our hearts cry is that He would lead us blind-folded onward, love need not know where it goes. We can trust Him, for He is faithful.