Sunday, September 17, 2017

Done Unto Him

I have ideas and hopes, which I try to "work out' but its me trying to do it and not letting go and letting the Lord work it out IN faith.
Praise God He's convicting me of this and HE will help me get through the GRIND of this weakness. He will shine through.
How easy it is to think we are so important and we need people to care about us. We need to have our mids renewed, we need to SEE things from His perspective to know we ought to give it all to Him pouring out our lives to HIM.
All we do should  be done unto Him, knowing we should only expect to receive our reward from Him. Even if no one thanks us or says anything t us, will we not be willing to pour ourselves out? He sees our hearts He knows what we truly desire. We can't fool Him.
It can be sad to look around at the condition and state of this world. I am seeing the importance of looking to HIM more. This world is distraction but He will give peace when we set our mind on Him. Praise God.