Thursday, September 7, 2017

A Busy Month

This month has been off to a busy start. When things just don't go as you expect or hope, while work keeps growing busier, it can definitely be challenging. Nevertheless, it is here in these moments the Lord is looking for faithfulness. It is in these areas, where not many will see - He is looking for complete devotion. This job that He has set before.

I find it so important not to let the "busy" get to us, but to take time alone with the Father. Went up the mountain into the bush with my Mom and sister to pick berries. There we found such horribly disgusting berries! I was sick to my stomach. I felt the Lord wanted me to slow down and not worry about trying to get the best huckleberries, to rather find more time with Him in silence, rather than hurrying from bush to bush, trying to get the biggest berries.

Also, I found He was wanting me to learn that these two berries can look exactly the same (with only a slight difference), when inside the one can be loosing it's very life. It can make a good impression but a worm is eating it inside, causing very little noticeable damage inside. Our lives can be wasting away also, without anyone really noticing it. Will we be content with a worry/distraction eating away the life God has renewed/remade inside us?

Many won't notice a difference if we go along with a "worm" until soon we become dried up with no life flowing through us anymore. I pray this doesn't happen and that every distraction/worry/care may be rooted out so His abundant life may flow through. If we let that "worm" get to us, we will soon be useful for nothing, only to be thrown away. We must take it serious, giving up every worm. He will help us. Amen.